IAT : Special Collections

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  • File Size 20.95 MB
  • Create Date January 11, 2017

This is a compilation of Special Formulas important for tricky questions in IISER Aptitude Test.

11 thoughts on “IAT : Special Collections

    1. IISER Aptitude Test has four Sections Biology, Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry each with 15 questions. All 60 Questions are compulsory. But I know of several students here at IISER who have passed the Exam primarily solving only three sections out of four. Hope it helps!

    2. No kapil,, but dont worry, i know some who have cracked this exam without studying biology,,,be encouraged

    1. See the notice on the notice board visible at the right column on homepage.
      Refresh and solve the captcha again. Try using strong/fast internet connection.

  1. I am unable to download any of the notes. Every time downloading stops in the middle, so how do I make sure that it doesn’t stops downloading in the midway??

    1. Hello,

      Thanks for Notification. There was a slight technical glitch. Issue resolved. Try Downloading again.


  2. Donot know how to thank you for such amazing notes…..extremely helpful ….thanks alot..may God bles you brother..

  3. A very great initiative that I am grateful for, your story is inspiring but though the download option worked and it downloaded it shows in my notification as no file. And I cannot find the file, what should I do?

    1. Hi Sugandhi,

      Thank you for your kind words. Please retry downloading the files with a strong internet connection. Preferably, use a laptop/PC and a standard web browser like google chrome or safari to download the files. Hope this helps.


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